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8 poll game

8 poll game developments that changed the election. The pundit class seems to have spent all summer waxing lyrical about Hillary Clinton's. 

strength in Ohio, New Hampshire and Nevada, as if her opponent didn't have a single primary victory that could be pointed to when he tried to say his poll numbers were weak. 

All that has changed. Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post went on MSNBC Tuesday night to tell Jake Tapper, "Now, we know that she's vulnerable in Ohio, in New Hampshire and Nevada and Utah and Arizona. 

Now I think Hillary Clinton's gonna make a play for Iowa. I think she's going to make a play for Arizona. 

And in general, I think she's gonna make a lot of moves over the next couple weeks to increase the amount of delegates she has and to make sure that there's not some kind of delegate scramble at the convention."

In other words, don't be surprised if the Democratic Party race eventually changes its shape from a two-man race with Clinton and Barack Obama -- a race that should have happened years ago -- to a thre-way affair that includes Clinton and the second-place finisher, Senator Clinton's daughter, Chelsea. Her campaign may do everything possible to head off such a reality, but she will be completely undermined if she continues to go out of her way to put Obama in the position of the "inevitable" nominee while her own campaign suggests that she has no chance. 

The longer she waits to put Obama on the defensive, the greater the chance that he takes advantage of her efforts. Just ask Hillary, who, when she realized she was going to lose the nomination in 1996. 

gave it away in the South Carolina primary by giving the Palmetto State to her husband. It's time for her to make the same mistake.

Story Continued Below

9 The next president of the United States may end up a former Texas mayor. Dick Gephardt became a long-shot last week to reclaim the Democratic nomination by showing no signs of abandoning a campaign that never seemed to get off the ground in the first place. 

But if he does decide to stay in the race, he has another good chance of being nominated. The last three Democratic winners of the Iowa caucuses (Bill Clinton, Howard Dean and John Edwards) all had also previously served in the House or Senate before running for president. 

In fact, the only member of the modern GOP's Iowa-based House delegation who managed to win the state's presidential caucuses (Bob Dole) was not a former. 

member of Congress, but an old-time Yankee whose last elected office had been a seat on the state's high school basketball association board.

 In fact, no member of the GOP's Iowa congressional delegation won the caucuses, nor did any of the 17 GOP governors who are members of the party's national ticket.

10 Gore got lucky with Ohio. He came close, but -- as he predicted on Tuesday night -- he lost Ohio to Obama. The main reason for his loss was that he carried only one of the state's eight congressional districts, and even then it wasn't very close. 

As I wrote last week, Obama's biggest problems in Ohio and Florida were with8 pool android game development android models android development android nxt android nxt framework android nxt standards android other game play java game engines game gallery game. 

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